
分子病毒学与植物生物技术 研究组

组长:叶健 博士 研究员 博士生导师







3.热区经济作物生物技术。热区经济作物包括重要的多种战略物质,在建国后我国在引进国外先进科技资源的基础上,通过创新利用发展起来的,以种质资源收集、种植技术等初级科研方式为主。重大基础突破带动先进生物技术发展的研发模式匮乏、薄弱。本研究组在重要热区作物油棕(oil palm)、小桐子(Jatropha)、甘蔗(sugarcane)生物技术研究中取得系列重要进展(参见近期代表工作3







2023.8-            农业微生物组学与生物技术研究室,主任

2017–,           中科院微生物所,课题组长 
2014–2017,   中科院微生物所,青年课题组长
2013–2014,   新加坡国立大学淡马锡生命科学研究院,
Principal Investigator
2011–2013,   新加坡国立大学淡马锡生命科学研究院,
Biotechnology Manager
2009–2010,   新加坡国立大学淡马锡生命科学研究院,
Research Fellow
2007–2009,   新加坡国立大学淡马锡生命科学研究院,博士后


浙江大学 竺可桢奖学金


赵平芝 女 副研究员         zhaopz#im.ac.cn
张    璇 女    助理研究员     zhangx#im.ac.cn
孙艳伟 女 助理研究员 


博士生王    端女    781988712#qq.com

直博生梁    琳女    lianglinbrave#163.com

博士生王宏伟男    wanghw#im.ac.cn

直博生高凯星男    gaokaixing21#mails.ucas.ac.cn

直博生蒋宇航    男   694581204#qq.com

直博生韦一帆    女   907871609#qq.com

博士生陈萧月    女  2397241981#qq.com (贵州大学联合培养)

硕士生杨     欢   女     2609286621#qq.com

硕士生殷宇腾    男   1553194367#qq.com

硕士生夏秋冬    女  2725921311#qq.com

硕士生朱成容    女  zhucr1991#163.com (河北大学联合培养)

硕士生尹策策    男     15605196332#163.com (河北大学联合培养)


著书章节(*通讯作者, #共同第一作者)

  1. Ma YH, Ye J*. 2017. Lipid biosynthesis and regulation inJatropha curcas, an emerging model for woody energy plants.The Jatropha Genome. Compendium of Plant Genomes.Suguru Tsuchimoto (Ed.)Jatropha. Springer Science Publishers, New York.

  2. Ye J,Wang CM, Yue GH.2017. Jatropha breeding.The Jatropha Genome. Compendium of Plant Genomes.Suguru Tsuchimoto (Ed.)Jatropha. Springer Science Publishers, New York.

  3. Ye J*, Hong Y, Qu J, Wang CM. 2012.Improvement of Jatropha oil by genetic transformation.Jatropha, Challenges for a New Energy Crop-Genetic Improvement and Biotechnology,vol. 2. Springer Science Publishers, New York.

  4. Qu J,Ye J,Fang RX. 2012. Artificial MicroRNAs for Plant Virus Resistance,Antiviral Resistance in Plants: Methods and Protocols, Methods in Molecular Biology, vol. 894


发表论文(*通讯作者, #共同第一作者)



  1. Wang D#, Zhang X#, Yin YT, Chen DX* andYe J*. First Report of Ludwigia Yellow Vein Vietnam Virus Causing LeafCurling on Tobacco Plants in Hainan Province, China.Plant Disease.2023. Doi: 10.1094/PDIS-01-23-0034-PDN.
  2. Zhang X#, Wang D#, Zhao PZ, Sun YW, Fang RX andYe J*. Near infrared light  and PIF4 promote plant antiviral defense by enhancing RNA interference.Plant Communications. 2023. 100644.
  3. Wu X#, Zhang X#, Wang H, Fang R, andYe J*. Structure-function analyses of coiled-coil immune receptors define a hydrophobic module for improving plant virus resistance.Journal Of Experimental Botany. 2023. 74(5): 1372-1388.



  1. Wang HW#, Wu XJ#, Huang XD, Wei SJ, Lu ZJ andYe J*. Seed Transmission of Tomato Spotted Wilt Orthotospovirus in Peppers.Viruses. 2022. 14(9): 1873.
  2. Wang N#, Zhao PZ#, Wang D#, Mubin M, Fang RX andYe J*. Diverse Begomoviruses Evolutionarily Hijack Plant Terpenoid-Based Defense to Promote Whitefly Performance.Cells. 2022. 30(12): 149. 
  3. Chen GM#, Xuan W#,Zhao PZ#, Yao XM, Peng C, Tian YL,Ye J, Wang BX, He J, Chi WC, Yu J, Ge YW, Li J, Dai ZY, Xu DY, Wang CM, Wan JM. OsTUB1 confers salt-insensitivity by interacting with Kinesin13A to stabilize microtubule and ion transporter in rice. 2022.New Phytologist.https://nph.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/pdf/10.1111/nph.18282
  4. Liu XL, Tian YL, Chi WC, Zhang HZ, Yu J, Chen GM, Wu W, Jiang XZ, Wang SS, Lin ZX, Xuan W,Ye J, Wang BX, Liu Y, Sun ZG, Xu DY, Wang CM, Wan JM. Alternative splicing of OsGS1;1 affects nitrogen-use efficiency, grain development, and amylose content in rice. 2022.The Plant Journal.https://doi.org/10.1111/tpj.15768
  5. Wang D, Bishnu Dawadi, Qu J,Ye J*,Light-Engineering Technology for Enhancing Plant Disease Resistance.Front. Plant Sci. 2022. 12:805614
  6. Wang D, Zhang X, Chen DX,Ye J*.First report of Sida leaf curl virus and associated betasatellite in tobacco.Plant Disease. 2022. 106: 1078
  7. Mubin M, Shabbir A, Nahid N, Liaqat I, Hassan M, Aljarba NH, Al Qahtani A, Fauquet CM,Ye Jand Nawaz-ul-Rehman MS. Patterns of Genetic Diversity among Alphasatellites Infecting Gossypium Species.Pathogens. 2022. 11(7): 763.
  8. Nawaz-Ul-Rehman MS, Liaqat I, Nahid N, Saleem F, Alkahtani S, Al Qahtani A,Ye J, Mubin M*.Brazilian Journal of Biology. 2022. 82: e262248.



  1. Zhao PZ, Zhang X, Gong YQ, Wang D, Xu DQ, Wang N, Sun YW, Gao LB, Liu SS, Deng XW, Kliebenstein DJ, Zhou XP, Fang RX, andYe J*Red-light is an environmental effector for mutualism between begomovirus and its vector whitefly.PLoS Pathogens. 2021. 10.1371/journal.ppat.1008770
  2. Zhao DN, Li YL, Song Y, Yang BJ, Ding X, Gao, F,Ye J, Hao XJ, Zhang Y, Li SL. Ten new nortriterpenes from Euphorbia resinifera and their anti-tomato yellow leaf curl virus activities.Fitoterapia. 2021. 153. 104989
  3. Ye J*, Zhang LL, Zhang X, Wu XJ, Fang RX*. Plant defense networks against insect-borne pathogens.Trends in Plant Science. 2021. 26 (3) 272-287



  1. Li YL, Zhang Y, Zhao PZ, Hu ZX, Gu YC,Ye J*, Hao XJ*. Two new steroidal alkaloids from the rhizomes of Veratrum nigrum L. and their anti-TYLCV activity.Fitoterapia. 2020. 147. 104731

  2. Wu XJ,Ye J*.  Manipulation of Jasmonate Signaling by Plant Viruses and Their Insect Vectors.Viruses. 2020. 12(2), 148.

  3. 王端,叶健*.植物病毒资源属性和应用基础研究进展.生物资源. 2020.42(1)1-8

  4. Wang D, Zhang X, Yao XM, Zhang P, Fang RX,Ye J*.  A 7-Amino-Acid Motif of Rep protein essential for virulence is critical for triggering host defense against Sri Lankan cassava mosaic virus.Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions, 2020.Jan;33(1):78-86 DOI: .1094/MPMI-06-19-0163-FI. 


  1. Zhao PZ, Yao XM, Cai CX, Li R, Du J, Sun YW, Wang MY, Zou Z, Wang QM, Kliebenstein DJ , Liu SS, Fang RX andYe J*.Viruses mobilize plant immunity to deter non-vector insect herbivores.Science Advances.DOI: 10.1126/sciadv.aav9801.

  2. Wu XJ#, Xu S#, Zhao PZ, Zhang X, Yao XM, Sun YW,Fang RX,Ye J*.The Orthotospovirus nonstructural protein NSs suppresses plant MYC-regulated jasmonate signaling leading to enhanced vector attraction and performance.PLoS Pathogens. DOI:10.1371/journal.ppat.1007897.

  3. Wang N, Zhao PZ, Ma YH, Yao XM, Sun YW, Huang XD, Jin JJ, Zhang YJ, Zhu CX, Fang RX,Ye J*,A whitefly effector Bsp9 targets host immunity regulator WRKY33 to promote performance.Philos. Trans. Roy. Soc. B,2019.374:20180313. 


    Tang WJ#,Ye J#,Yao XM#, Zhao PZ, Xuan W, Tian YL, Zhang YY, Xu S, An HZ, Chen GM, Yu J, Wu W, Ge YW, Liu XL, Li J, Zhang HZ, Zhao YQ, Yang B, Jiang XZ, Peng C, Zhou C, Terzaghi W, Wang CM* & Wan JM* Genome-wide associated study identified NAC42-activated nitrate transporter conferring high nitrogen use efficiency in rice.Nature Communications.2019.10(1):5279



  1. Wang D, Yao, XM, Huang GX, Shi T, Wang GF,Ye J*,First report of Sri Lankan cassava mosaic virus infected cassava in China,Plant Disease2018, DOI: 10.1094/PDIS-09-18-1590-PDN 

  2. Ye J*,Wang CM, Sun YW, Qu J, Mao HZ, Chua NH*. 2018.Overexpression of JcWRI1 in Jatropha elevated seed lipid content and increased seed mass.Frontiers in Plant Sciences,2018.fpls.2018.01479 



  1. 叶 健*,龚雨晴,方荣祥*,病毒—媒介昆虫—植物三者互作研究进展及展望.中国科学院院刊.已接收

  2. Sun YW#, Wang CM#,Wang N#, Jiang XY, Mao HZ, Zhu CX, Wen FJ, Wang XH, Lu ZJ, Yue GH, Xu ZF,Ye J*. 2017. Manipulation of Auxin Response Factor 19 affects seed size in the woodyperennial Jatropha curcas.Scientific reports.7: 40844.

  3. Jin JJ,Sun YW#, Qu J, Rahmadsyah, Lim CH, Alfiko Y, NurEstyaBte Rahman, Suwanto A, Yue GH, Wong LS, Chua NH,Ye J*. 2017. Transcriptome and functional analysis reveals hybrid vigor for oil biosynthesis in oil palm.Scientific reports. 7: 439.



  1. Jun Liu#, Shulin Deng#, HW Wu#,Ye J, Hui-Wen Wu, Hai-Xi Sun, and Nam-Hai Chua.2016. CURLY LEAF Regulates Gene Sets Coordinating Seed Size and Lipid Biosynthesis in Arabidopsis.Plant physiology.17 (1) 424-436.

  2. Tang W#, Wu T#,Ye J,Sun J, Jiang Y, Yu J, Tang J, Chen G, Wang C, Wan J.2016. SNP-based analysis of genetic diversity reveals important alleles associated with seed size in rice.BMCPlant Biology16:93.

  3. Wang N#, Yao YM#, Zhu CX, Wen FJ*,Ye J*.2016Towards sustainable protection againstinsect-borneplant viral diseases: phytohormones and beyond.Science Foundation in China. 24(2). Review.Cover

  4. Pingzhi Zhao, Lubomir N. Sokolov,Ye Jian,Cheng-Yi Tang, Jisen Shi, Yan Zhen, Wenzhi Lan, Zhi Hong, Jinliang Qi, Gui-Hua Lu, Girdhar K. Pandey & Yong-Hua Yang.2016The LIKE SEX FOUR2 regulates root development by modulating reactive oxygen species homeostasis in Arabidopsis.Scientific reports.srep28683.

  5. Jin JJ#, Lee M#, Bai B#,Sun Yanwei#, Qu J, Rahmadsyah, Yuzer A, Lim CH, Suwanto A, Sugiharti M, Wong LS,Ye Jian*,Chua NH* and Yue GH*.2016Draft genome sequence of an elite Dura palm and whole-genome patterns of DNA variation in oil palm.DNA Research. 23:527.

  6. 龚雨晴,姚香梅,徐爽,孙艳伟,王宁,马永焕,赵平芝,应晓宝,叶健*.微生物组学研究与经济作物虫传病害的绿色防控.《植物保护与农产品安全》201612



  1. Ye J*,Yang J, Sun Y, Zhao P, Gao S, Jung C, Qu J, Fang R, Chua NH*.2015. Geminivirus Activates ASYMMETRIC LEAVES 2 to Accelerate Cytoplasmic DCP2-Mediated mRNA Turnover and Weakens RNA Silencing in Arabidopsis.PLoS pathogens11:e1005196.

  2. Sun YW#, Tee CS#, Ma YH#, Wang G, Yao XM,Ye J*.2015. Attenuation of Histone Methyltransferase KRYPTONITE-mediated transcriptional gene silencing by Geminivirus.Scientific reports5:16476.

  3. Li R, Tee C, Jiang Y, Jiang X, Venkatesh P, Sarojam R,Ye J*.2015. A terpenoid phytoalexin plays a role in basal defense of Nicotiana benthamiana against Potato virus X.Scientific reports5:9682.

  4. Wang H NQ, Wu HW, Liu J,Ye J, Yu N, Chua NH.2015. Analysis of noncoding transcriptome in rice and maize uncovers roles of conserved lncRNAs associated with agriculture traits.The Plant Journal84 2: 404-416.

  5. Lee M, Xia J, Zou Z,Ye J, Rahmadsyah, Alfiko Y, Jin J, Lieando J, Purnamasari M, Lim C, Suwanto A, Wong L, Chua N, Yue G.2015. A consensus linkage map of oil palm and a major QTL for stem height.Scientific reports5:8232.



  1. Li R, Weldegergis BT, Li J, Jung C, Qu J, Sun Y, Qian H, Tee C, van Loon JJ, Dicke M, Chua NH, Liu SS,Ye J*.2014. Virulence factors of geminivirus interact with MYC2 to subvert plant resistance and promote vector performance.The Plant cell26:4991-5008.

  2. Ye J,Qu J, Mao HZ, Ma ZG, Rahman NE, Bai C, Chen W, Jiang SY, Ramachandran S, Chua NH.2014. Engineering geminivirus resistance in Jatropha curcus.Biotechnology for biofuels7:149.

  3. Ye J, Geng Y, Zhang B, Mao H, Qu J, Chua N.2014. The Jatropha FT ortholog is a systemic signal regulating growth and flowering time.Biotechnology for biofuels7:19.

  4. Ye J,Liu P, Zhu C, Qu J, Wang X, Sun Y, Sun F, Jiang Y, Yue G, Wang C.2014. Identification of candidate genesJcARF19andJcIAA9associated with seed size traits in Jatropha.Functional & integrative genomics14:757-766.

  5. Wang G, Sun Y, Xu R, Qu J, Tee C, Jiang X,Ye J*.2014. DNA-A of a highly pathogenicIndian cassava mosaic virusisolated fromJatropha curcascauses symptoms inNicotiana benthamiana.Virus genes48:402-405.



  1. Wang C,Ye J, Tang W, Liu Z, Zhu C, Wang M, Wan J.2013.Loop nucleotide polymorphism in a putative miRNA precursor associated with seed length in rice (Oryza sativa L.).International journal of biological sciences9:578-586.

  2. Wang CM, Liu P, Sun F, Li L, Liu P,Ye J, Yue GH.2012. Isolation and identification of miRNAs inJatropha curcas.International journal of biological sciences8:418-429.

  3. Qu J,Ye J#,Geng YF, Sun YW, Gao SQ, Zhang BP, Chen W, Chua NH.2012. Dissecting functions ofKATANINandWRINKLED1in cotton fiber development by virus-induced gene silencing.Plant physiology160:738-748.

  4. Ye J*,Hong Y, Qu J, Wang C. 2012.Improvement of Jatropha oil by genetic transformation. Jatropha, Challenges for a New Energy Crop- Genetic Improvement and Biotechnology, vol. 2.Springer Science Publishers, New York.

  5. Qu J, Mao HZ, Chen W, Gao SQ, Bai YN, Sun YW, Geng YF,Ye J*.2012. Development of marker-free transgenic Jatropha plants with increased levels of seed oleic acid.Biotechnology for biofuels5:10.

  6. Qu J,Ye J,Fang R. 2012.Artificial MicroRNAs for Plant Virus Resistance, Antiviral Resistance in Plants: Methods and Protocols,Methods in Molecular Biology, vol. 894.

  7. Sun F, Liu P,Ye J, Lo LC, Cao S, Li L, Yue GH, Wang CM.2012. An approach for jatropha improvement using pleiotropic QTLs regulating plant growth and seed yield.Biotechnology for biofuels5:42.

  8. Gao S, Qu J, Chua NH,Ye J*.2010. A new strain of Indian cassava mosaic virus causes a mosaic disease in the biodiesel cropJatropha curcas.Archives of virology155:607-612.

  9. Ye J, Qu J, Zhang JF, Geng YF, Fang RX.2009. A critical domain of theCucumber mosaic virus2b protein for RNA silencing suppressor activity.FEBS letters583:101-106.

  10. Ye J, Qu J, Bui HT, Chua NH.2009. Rapid analysis ofJatropha curcasgene functions by virus-induced gene silencing.Plant biotechnology journal7:964-976.

  11. Qu J,Ye J#,Fang R.2007.Artificial microRNA-mediated virus resistance in plants.Journal of virology81:6690-6699.

  12. Xu Y,Ye J#,Liu H, Cheng E, Yang Y, Wang W, Zhao M, Zhou D, Liu D, Fang R.2008. DNA-templated CMV viral capsid proteins assemble into nanotubes.Chemical Communications1:49-51.

  13. Ye J,Liu L, Xue Y, Qu J, Gao G, Fang R.2007.Efficient depletion of multiple SARS-CoV mRNAs by a single small interfering RNA targeting the leader sequence.Progress in Biochemistry and Biophysics34:1092-1100.



  1. Jian Ye, et al. Transcriptome and functional analysis reveals a single gene hybrid vigor for oil yield in oil palm. (US Provisional Patent Application No. 62/082,341)

  2. Jian Ye et al.. A method to enhance plant virus resistance. (United States patent, PCT/SG2014/00003)

  3. Jian Ye et al. Control of pests in plants. (U.S. Patent Application US 2012/02400288A1).

  4. Jian Ye et al. Virus induced gene silencing (VIGS) for functional analysis of genes in cotton. (United States Patent 20120096595).

  5. Jian Ye et al. Functional analysis of Jatropha curcas genes. (United States Patent 20110265233).

  6. Jian Ye et al. Genetic Transformation of Jatropha curcas. (United States Patent 20110247099 A1).

  7. Jian Ye et al. Increasing cotton fiber length by manipulating transcription factor. (United States Patent PCT/SG2012/000139).

  8. Jian Ye et al. Microsomal ω6 Oleate Desaturases. (U.S. patent application PCT/SG2011/000337).


近期代表工作1双生病毒操纵植物免疫来抑制非介体昆虫。棉花等植物被双生病感染后,大幅度提宿主植物抵御农业重大害虫—棉铃虫和蚜虫的能力,抗棉铃虫的能力甚至比转杀虫Bt毒基因的抗虫棉还好。进一步研究发现双生病毒利用了高等双子叶植物中保守的免疫抗性基因WRKY20调控的植物的免疫平衡制约机制,显著减少植物维管束组织(双生病毒侵染部位和烟粉虱取食部位)中抗虫化合物的积累,如芥子油苷等,促进传毒介体烟粉虱的种群增长。但是会提高非维管束组织如叶肉细胞中脂肪族芥子油苷水平,并激活植物体内阿司匹林类药物-水杨酸的产生,从而抑制棉铃虫和蚜虫—烟粉虱的主要竞争对手的生长,进一步促进了与烟粉虱的互惠共生,加速了病毒在全球范围内的入侵,造成了严重的粮食安全和生物安全问题。(Science Advances, 2019)

近期代表工作2光调控病毒-昆虫-植物三者互作的分子机制。利用单色光LED灯箱探究不同光调控植物的抗虫和抗病途径,发现红光通过PIFs蛋白调控萜烯类化合物的合成起到抗虫的作用(图A, PLoS Pathogens, 2021)。红外光通过促进PIF4蛋白积累激活RDR6/AGO1的表达,通过影响RNAi途径调控植物抗病反应(图B, Plant Com, 2023),以上研究为利用单色LED灯绿色防控虫媒病毒病害提供理论基础

