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The synergetic effects of two CCAAT boxes in Aspergillus niger glaA gene promoter on activation of PglaA transcription Science in China Ser.C Life Sciences 2004
腾冲嗜热杆菌热稳定海藻糖磷酸化酶的基因表达与酶的分子生物学性质研究 Science in China Series C-Life Sciences 2004
Binding of trans-acting protein AngCP to the CCAAT-containing motifs in Aspergillus niger glaA promoter* Progress in natural science 2004
Construct Hairpin RNA to Fight Against Rice Dwarf Virus. Acta Botanica Sinica. 2004
Effects of transgenic plants expressing ACA gene from Amaranthus caudatus on the population development of Myzus persicae?? Acta Botanica Sinica. 2004
T-DNA标签在转基因水稻基因组中的整合特点 生物化学与生物物理学进展. 2004
Expression of cry3A and vhb genes in transgenic potato plants 生物化学与生物物理学. 2004
Two conformations of archaeal Ssh10b: The origin of its temperature dependent interaction with DNA. J Biol Chem. 2003
Ssh10b, a conserved thermophilic archeaeal protein, binds RNA in vivo Molecular Microbiology 2003
DNA topoisomerase Ⅲ from the hyperthermophilic Archaeon Sulfolobus solfataricus with specific DNA cleavage activity Journal of Bacterology 2003
Novel structure of the genome of Rice yellow stunt virus: identification of the gene 6-encoded virion protein Jounal of General Virology 2003
The promoter of a rice glycine-rich protein gene, Osgrp-2, confers vascular-specific expression in transgenic plants Planta 2003
Both heptad repeats of human respiratory syncytial virus fusion protein are potent inhibitors of viral fusion Biochemical and Biophysicas Research Communications 2003
One-step on-column affinity refolding purification and functional analysis of recombinant human VDAC1 Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications 2003
Identification of the protein-protein contact site and interaction mode of human VDAC1 with Bcl-2 family protecins Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications 2003