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A list of discomycetes in China, Supplement Ⅱ Mycotaxon 2003
Re-dispositions of philipsia( Pezizales) collections from China Mycotaxon 2003
A new speciles of lachnum on leaves of livistona and a key to the chinese species of the genus Mycotaxon 2003
Some new species and new records of discomycetes in China Mycotaxon 2003
Tricholomazangll, a new name for T. Quercicola M. ZHANG (Basidiomycetes:tricholomataceae) Mycotaxon 2003
Structure expression pattern and chromosomal localization of the rice Osgrp-2 gene 中国科学 ( C ) 辑 2003
Specific expression of a β -tubulin gene(GhTub1)in developing cotton fibers 中国科学( C )辑 2003
Disase-tolerance of transgenic tobacco plants expressing Ah-AMP gene of Amaranthus hypochondriacus Progress in Nature Science 2003
Controlled expression of enhanced green fluorescent protein and hepatitis B virus precore protein in mammalian cells Progress in nature science 2003
Identification and characterization of a salt tolerance-responsive gene(AtGRP9) of Arabidopsis Progress in nature science 2003
Cloning and analysis of a tocopherol methyltransferase gene from Brassica oleracea and the function of its recombinant protein Progress in Natural Science 2003
Characterization and molecular marker screening of a rice bacteria-resistant gene Xa-min(t) Progress in Natural Science 2003
Dactylella pseudoclavata sp. Nov. ,a new nematode-trapping fungus Can J Bot. 2003