报告人姓名:李 辉 研究员
报告题目:From Single molecule technique to super-resolution microscopy
报告时间及地点:2015年10月15日(周四)下午15:00 A203会议室
Single molecule technique and super-resolution microscopy are developed very rapidly in recent due to their capability to review the dynamics of individual bio-macromolecules or sub-cellular structures. In this talk, I first introduce an integrated instrument combined a single molecule confocal fluorescence microscope with an atomic force microscopy (AFM) for characterization of different aspect of individual nano-objects. The setup was used to character the photoluminescence of individual CdSe/CdS tetrapod quantum dots and the spectrum changes when it was pressed by AFM tip. Multiple peaks were observed in the spectrum which indicated a new emission mechanism which breaks traditional “Kasha’s law”. Second, using the AFM tip as a tiny reflection mirror, we developed a new technique, Standing Wave Axial Nanometry (SWAN), to image the axial location of a single nanoscale fluorescent object with sub-nanometer accuracy and 3.7 nm precision. We use SWAN to measure the orientation of single DNA molecules of different lengths, grafted on surfaces with different functionalities. At last, I will introduce super-resolution microscope currently developed in our group, particularly structured illumination microscopy.
中国科学院苏州生物医学工程技术研究所研究员。1999 年本科毕业于中国科学技术大学近代物理系,2004博士毕业于中国科学院物理研究所。曾先后在德国康斯坦兹大学物理系、美国爱荷华州立大学物理系和美国诺特丹大学电子工程系做博士后研究。长期从事单分子生物物理的科学研究, 包括单分子操纵、单分子荧光观测、超高分辨荧光显微镜技术及应用等方面。建立一套单分子共聚焦荧光显微镜和原子力显微镜相结合的设备,实现了单分子荧光共振能量转移和单分子力谱的同步测量;发明一种单分子荧光轴向纳米精度定位的新方法,实现纳米精度的单分子荧光轴向定位。在Nature communications, Nano Letters,Soft Matters等国际权威学术杂志上发表论文20 余篇。Phys.Biol., Nanotechnology,Surface Science 等杂志特约审稿人。