王延延博士、副研究员 |
研究方向 地衣共生及抗逆分子机制 研究内容
导师姓名:王延延 电话:010-64807483 电子邮件:wangyan#im.ac.cn(请将#换为@) 通讯地址:北京市朝阳区北辰西路1号院3号 邮政编码:100101
主要学习及工作经历 工作经历 2020.10-至今:永乐高ylg888888,副研究员 2018.09-2020.03:美国普渡大学,访问学者 2014.07-2020.10:永乐高ylg888888,助理研究员 学习经历 2011.09-2014.06:永乐高ylg888888微生物专业,博士学位 2008.09-2011.06:山东农业大学微生物专业,硕士学位 2004.09-2008.06:山东农业大学生物工程专业,学士学位
Wang YanYan; Wei XinLi; Bian ZhuYun; Wei JiangChun; Xu JinRong*; Coregulation of dimorphism and symbiosis by cyclic AMP signaling in the lichenized fungusUmbilicaria muhlenbergii.,PNAS, 2020, 117: 23847-23858. Wang YanYan; Wei XinLi*; Huang JenPan; Wei JiangChun*, Modification and functional adaptation of the MBF1 gene family in the lichenized fungusEndocarpon pusillumunder environmental stress,Scientific Reports, 2017.11.16, 7(1): 16333~16342 Zhang YongLi; Li Hui;Wang YanYan*; Wei JiangChun*, The calcium-binding protein EpANN from the lichenized fungusEndocarpon pusillumenhances stress tolerance in yeast and plants,Fungal Genetic Biology, 2017.9.15, 108: 36~43 Zhang Tao; Liu Meng;Wang YanYan; Wang ZhiJun; Wei XinLi*; Wei JiangChun*, Two new species ofEndocarpon(Verrucariaceae, Ascomycota) from China,Scientific Reports, 2017.8.3, 7: 7193~7203 Wang YanYan; Liu RunDong; Wang WeiCheng; Wei XinLi*; Wei JiangChun*, Nucleotide differences in the mbf1 gene of the lichenized fungusUmbilicaria decussatacollected in polar and non-polar regions,Advances in Polar Science, 2017.2.7, 28(1): 43~49 Wang YanYan; Zheng Yong; Wang XinYu; Wei XinLi*; Wei JiangChun*, Lichen-Associated Fungal Community inHypogymnia hypotrypa(Parmeliaceae, Ascomycota) Affected by Geographic Distribution and Altitude,Frontiers in Microbiology, 2016.8.5, 7: 1231~1241